Oscillation 2022

Projection, polyethylene tubes, sound
800cm width x 300cm high x 50cm diameter (Size variable)

Installation view: Reykjavík Art Museum 2022

In Oscillation (2022) Guðjónsson explores the possibilities of spatial transformation through moving images. The work expands formal limits through distorting space via a combination of moving image, sound, and light effect in the space. A set of cylindrical tubes are placed in a horizontal position along the space, across which the play of light transforms the image into a wave-like effect. The materiality of the work is enhanced by the movement, vibrations, and oscillations of the colours, in contrast of the darkened environment. The film moves across the expanse of tubes, merging with the walls and its surroundings, accentuating the extent of the volumes in the room. The artwork connects the audience with the darkened space, exploring the links between image and perception.

Mónica Bello, curator